
Charles Higbie


You reported (Feb. 1) that Lt. Charles Higbie will retire in March after 30 years of service with the Los Angeles Police Department.

As you noted, Higbie investigated shootings by Los Angeles police officers for 13 years. One sentence in your article said: “Because his accounts almost always exonerated officers, critics have alleged that his evaluation of evidence was selective.”

In reality, he does not report “his account,” but the account of every witness and each involved officer. His reports include photographs, diagrams, trajectory analyses, and the like. They are comprehensive and objective.


The “evaluation of evidence” is not his. A Use of Force Review Board measures every action against the restraints of a written policy and makes recommendations to the chief of police. Every case is reviewed in detail by the Police Commission. In addition, the district attorney’s office conducts an independent investigation at the scene.

Officers qualify with their firearms regularly, and receive ongoing training relating to every aspect of policy.

The reason officers are “almost always exonerated” is that they are almost always right.

So lighten up on Chuck Higbie.


Eagle Rock

Allen is a retired Los Angeles Police Department commander.
