
Task Force May Decide Library Site

Times Staff Writer

A political hot potato--selection of a site for a $60-million main city library--was tossed to the newly appointed Centre City Task Force on Wednesday by the council’s Public Services and Safety Committee.

Following the city manager’s recommendation, Councilwomen Gloria McColl, Judy McCarty and Abbe Wolfsheimer approved asking the new task force to add the library site selection to its job of planning downtown’s renaissance. Councilmen William Jones and Bill Cleator, also members of the committee, were not present for the vote. The full City Council must now act on the recommendation.

McCarty also lobbied for an advisory vote of the people to determine whether there is public support for a new downtown library. The proposal was sent to the council’s Rules Committee for a final decision.


McCarty argued that a general obligation bond issue, needed to pay for the new library, would require solid voter support to gain the needed two-thirds approval at the polls. Popular among some San Diego residents is the site of the now-closed Sears store on University Avenue, which was purchased by the city for a library, she said.

If the council agrees with the committee’s recommendation, the Centre City Task Force--headed by shopping center developer Ernest W. Hahn--will have until Jan. 15 to submit a library site recommendation.

Among the sites under consideration are the current main library site at 7th Avenue and E Street; the block to the east of that site; the Community Concourse; a Broadway site between Union and State streets; a Broadway site between 14th and 15th streets; the north parking lot of the County Administration Center; county-owned property between Union, Front, A and B streets; a block bounded by B, C and Front streets and 1st Avenue, and a City College site at 12th Avenue, B to C streets.
