
25 Picketers at N.Y. Meat Market Protest Slaughter of Rabbits

United Press International

About 25 animal rights activists, some dressed in bunny costumes, picketed a Greenwich Village meat market Saturday, protesting the slaughter of rabbits for food.

“We think there are already enough animals raised for food, and we don’t need to do this with rabbits,” said Dana Stuchell, a spokeswoman for Humans Against Rabbit Exploitation, or HARE. “Rabbits are lovely, fluffy peaceful animals that symbolize love and peace and joy.”

The demonstrators carried signs and distributed literature opposing the sale of rabbit meat outside Ottomanelli’s Meat Market, one of the few markets in New York City that sells wild game. The store normally has whole, slaughtered rabbits hanging in its front window but removed them for the protest.


“Rabbit is better for you than chicken,” Jerry Ottomanelli, the store’s manager, said. “It has higher protein and less cholesterol than chicken.” He said the store sells a dozen to two dozen rabbits a week.
