


Last year, a cabal of insurance companies, manufacturers and other big business interests convinced voters to approve Proposition 51. They let us believe it would put a lid on skyrocketing insurance rates. Well, voters gave away some of their precious legal rights and got absolutely nothing in return. Insurance rates just keep on climbing, with no end in sight.

Now, they’re at it again. This same powerful coalition is seeking to further enrich themselves by pushing for new laws to take away more of your rights. If they get their way, manufacturers would be less responsible for products that injure the user, juries would be hamstrung in their decision-making and all but the rich would find it harder to get good legal advice.

Consumer groups, senior citizens and victims’ organizations are fighting in Sacramento to stop the big business interests from taking away our rights. Everyone concerned about the high cost of insurance should be listening to them, not to the insurance companies that are filling their coffers at the expense of every citizen who buys insurance.




Los Angeles Trial Lawyers Assn.
