
Coalition to Protest Latin, Africa Policies

Associated Press

Seventy-nine religious and labor leaders have summoned a round of marches, rallies and other activities this weekend to protest U.S. policies in Central America and Southern Africa.

A sponsoring coalition, the “National Mobilization for Justice and Peace” says “tens of thousands” will participate in a rally at the Capitol today, with interfaith services Sunday, followed by visits to Congress members Monday.

Administration policies in Central America and Southern Africa “are morally wrong and violate our nation’s democratic ideals,” says an appeal issued in connection with the event.


“They violate fundamental rights to self-determination, liberty and justice. . . . They contributed to heightening the atmosphere of racism at home. . . . They risk deeper U.S. involvement in bloody and costly foreign wars.”

Signers included several Methodist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic bishops.
