
Swiss May Soon Free Iran-Contra Papers

From Reuters

Many of the Swiss bank documents sought by U.S. officials investigating the Iran- contra affair could be released soon, legal sources said Saturday.

The deadline for appeals to the Swiss Supreme Court expired Saturday, and officials may now start handing over documents to U.S. authorities, the sources said.

Only documents involving Iranian businessmen Manucher Ghorbanifar and Albert A. Hakim may remain within bank secrecy rules, the sources said, since they are the only people who have filed appeals with the nation’s highest court.

The U.S. government has asked that the secrecy rules be lifted on about 20 Swiss, American, Iranian and Saudi Arabian individuals and companies in connection with the Iran affair.


The Swiss government had ordered bank officials to cooperate with U.S. investigators, but no documents have been released pending the deadline for appeals to the Swiss high court.

Hakim is an associate of retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Richard V. Secord, who testified last week before congressional investigators.

Both Hakim and Ghorbanifar were alleged to have played important roles in the secret international network that organized and set in motion the arms operation.
