
Rail History to Go on SP Auction Block

Associated Press

Southern Pacific Transportation Co. is selling five of its 10 vintage rail cars, which date back to 1914 and the days when the captains of Wall Street and Hollywood shuttled coast-to-coast in elegance.

“They’re very classy Winnebagos,” said David Krenn, a trainmaster for the San Francisco-based railroad. The rail cars will sell for $100,000 and higher.

The 73-year-old Pine Bluff has an observation platform with brass railings, lounge, three bedrooms, toilets, shower, dining room, kitchen with gas range and crew quarters. A similar car, the 30-year-old Tucson, also is for sale, along with three vintage observation cars, complete with extra-large windows for a view of the country you can’t get from a jetliner.
