
‘Horrid Shoes’ Worn by Women


I cannot believe the arrogant comments made by Glennsten Bergquist (Letters, June 4), “Horrid Shoes,” about the apparel of some women.

Does Bergquist expect them to look “ravishing” 24 hours a day? What about the men that go into restaurants and other places of business looking like “death warmed over?”

I do not appreciate the fact that women are supposed to look good every day and every minute of the day--just for me. I do believe that we, as women, should look half way decent most of the time though. But who are we trying to impress?


And why should Bergquist have the right to call the people back East repulsive? I think the people of the East, especially the women, make an absolutely marvelous fashion statement that even us Californians have grown to admire.

So, next time he wants to give suggestions to “deep-six” women’s chosen attire, pass it some of the guys’ way. A lot of them could use a BIG handful of it!


