
Walsh Says He Intends to Persevere

From the Washington Post

Independent counsel Lawrence E. Walsh said Wednesday that he is determined to pursue the Iran- contra investigation as long as it takes to bring it to a conclusion, even if it lasts up to three years.

“I have no limitations on my commitment,” Walsh said. “I certainly hope that it’s not going to take anything like that. But if there are trials, appeals and retrials, it could theoretically take a long time.”

The Justice Department on Tuesday launched a slashing attack on the independent counsel system, denouncing it as unconstitutional, complaining that it invites investigations of trivialities and particularly singling out Walsh’s inquiry as too expensive.


Walsh, a former high-ranking Justice Department official, seemed unperturbed by the attack, which was delivered by Assistant Atty. Gen. John Bolton against a backdrop of previously stated “constitutional concerns” about the 1978 independent counsel law that will expire in January unless renewed.
