
‘Experts Ask Why Women Outlive Men’


Robert Rosenblatt’s article (June 9), “Experts Ask Why Women Outlive Men,” perpetuates a myth commonly held by men. The myth is that women don’t really confront stressful situations unless they hold “pressure-cooker management jobs.”

I challenge any man to raise children and take care of a house and continue to say that there is less stress than a “management position.”

Mothering is a 24-hour job that is unequaled as far as the stress involved. Today, many women additionally hold jobs outside the home with very little help in caring for the children or the house.


It’s about time men got off their high horse, bragging about how stressful their jobs are compared to jobs held by women.

The underlying assumption, of course, is that men’s jobs are more difficult and more important.

Mothers are managers of their children and their household--a job with a stress level unmatched by any man’s “managerial” job.


Van Nuys
