

Hey, how’s this for a “road picture” buddy team? Sly Stallone and Elton John. The two pals, who recently went to the fights at the Forum together and caused a stir when they dined at Nicky Blair’s, are at the “talking stages” of working together on “Rambo III,” though Elton will stay off-camera, handling the score. The duo were at it again Monday night at Magic Mountain, where Elton threw a two-cake birthday party for Sly (who turned 41 that day) and wife Brigitte, who celebrates her 24th this week.

To avoid rush-hour traffic, Elton rented a quartet of Jet Ranger helicopters, which flew the guests of honor in from Century City. The bash, which included private fireworks and an Elton piano-performance of “Your Song” and “Happy Birthday,” began at 6:30 p.m. and went into the wee hours. After the park closed at 10 p.m., the 90-some celebrants--not counting bodyguards--had the park to themselves.

“Sly seemed to really be having a great time,” said one participant. “He and Brigitte went on all of the rides together.”


Among celebrants: a well-behaved Bruce Willis and such fun-couples as Ryan O’Neal & Farrah Fawcett, Lionel & Brenda Richie, Irving & Shelly Azoff, Tony Thomopoulos & Cristina Ferrare and Don Simpson & Jerry Bruckheimer.
