
The Congressional Testimony of Lt. Col. Oliver North


Oliver North is a national hero in the world according to President Reagan. If so, then thousands of us alive, and many thousands who died, were fighting for the wrong country.

The treatment being accorded North by the Congress, in “making a deal” with his lawyers for his testimony, makes me fear for the future of our country. When North stood before a congressional hearing, in his tailored uniform, resplendent with Silver Oak Leaves and rows of ribbons, and proudly raised his hand to take the Fifth Amendment I said aloud, is this guy for real, or is he doing an imitation of Reagan in a quickie Grade B movie in the 1950s?

And when this preening fop retreated into his security-guarded Virginia estate and let the world know through his sleazy partner, Albert Hakim, that “the Old Man loves my ass,” I was ready to throw my own wings and ribbons back to the Air Force.


Now both houses of Congress are treating this smug, overambitious Marine officer as a special person. If the Old Man had his way, Ollie would get the general’s stars he so desperately wanted. And for which, it is safe to assume, on the evidence thus far produced, he would have gone to any lengths to get them.

Or, is he just protecting the Old Man? Anybody who believes this should stand at attention and salute. However, I doubt that the Marines who raised the flag on Iwo Jima would care to render such homage. And neither would I.


