
Lt. Col. Oliver North: Patriotic Hero or Misguided Zealot?


I dreamed I went to a contra potluck fund-raiser where each of the notables was asked to supply their favorite dish:

--Albert Hakim and Richard Secord brought the bread of course.

--William Casey supplied the scapegoat, cooked to order.

--North thought we’d all enjoy American Cheese and baloney on Wonder Bread. (Hold the Mao)

--Fawn Hall shared a dessert of shredded wheat covered in cheesecake.

--Ronald Reagan promised to bring something but later claimed the Teflon came off the frying pan and his contribution is still lying in the Oval Office.

--Howard Baker corrected the President by reminding him he supplied most of the leeks.

--Needless to say, I found a lot of this hard to swallow. Luckily Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) brought some Hawaiian Punch.



West Hollywood

(Since Friday The Times has received 475 letters opposing North’s actions and 134 letters in support of him.)
