
‘Christians Who Also Carry a Badge’


I read with interest your lengthy article about Vernon and his strong Christian beliefs. Most noteworthy to me was your sub-headline, “Piety in the Ranks Raises Concern in LAPD.” Concern to whom? I read the entire article twice and could find only one group with any concerns about Vernon’s faith or activities, the police union. Give me a break!

The article quoting the union president infers that in order to be promoted on this department, one needs to share Vernon’s beliefs. That’s interesting. In 1986, LAPD promoted one deputy chief, three commanders, 17 captains, 28 lieutenants and hundreds of sergeants, detectives and miscellaneous advance pay grades. Wow! You’re right, we must be overrun with Christians around here.

The article also quotes another union director who infers that having a policy-maker who is vocal about his religious beliefs somehow has a negative influence in our recruiting. Thanks for the insight. I’m sure the city Personnel Department as well as our own recruitment people will now be able to go out and overcome the recruitment problems we have been experiencing.


Come on. A couple of captains happen to tell a group of concerned citizens that adhering to some of the principles this country was founded upon might help alleviate the quality of life problems we see in epidemic proportions throughout this country and you come up with this “non-story.” Consider your source.

The police union will pick up on anything managers of the department do and try to stir up a problem. Some people and groups make a living finding fault. I’ve been waiting for 17 years for the union to begin offering solutions. I’ll no doubt wait another 17.


