
Party Plumage


Power Tools--the once-popular downtown club--has shut its doors. But there’s still Vertigo, Flaming Colossus, L.A.-L.A. and dozens of other hot spots where the young and restless can dance away the night.

The newest entry is Stock Exchange, which opened last weekend with a series of parties for which guests were supposed to (as some invitations read) “Get Dressed.”

Word of mouth for one opening bash, hosted by Details magazine, was so good that it reached New York, where rock star Deborah Harry got all dressed up, grabbed her invitation and drove to 6th and Spring THERE, looking for the fun. Harry phoned L.A. to let the hosts know she’d had the right night, the right address--but the wrong city.


The “right clothes,” of course, means something different to everyone.

At Thursday night’s bash, for example, the wholesome blonde in the denim mini and tennis shoes turned out to be Vanna White. Most other females took a slightly more formal tack, many in basic black outfits that bared shoulders, backs or midriffs to the glare of the disco lights.

Strapless tops were the single most popular style for women at all the parties, followed closely by a straight-from-the-boudoir lingerie look. For men, the no-tie or the bow tie look was de rigueur.
