
‘Integrity vs. a Man’s Life’


Those of us who get a part of our daily news from KNBC-TV were witnesses to the intrusion of a supposed gunman who wanted Horowitz to convey his message to the public. The news staff handled themselves well and I agree that, although there was a dilemma involving a person’s life and the station’s integrity, the director made a correct decision.

I was totally amazed when, after a wait in excess of six minutes after seeing the gunman approach Horowitz, the station came back on the air and offered no word of explanation or comment on the safety of the news staff until after a series of advertisements. The subsequent local and national attention rightly given to this incident shows the interest in it. Why then could we not have had at least a word on the safe outcome before the hard sell? A choice between a man’s life and a station’s integrity--the station’s integrity. A choice between the station’s integrity and the advertising dollar--no contest.


