
Support for Black Muslim Minister Louis Farrakhan


I am appalled at the biased media treatment being given minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. I am even more appalled at the lack of response of the black community on behalf of such strong black leadership. An example in question was The Times Letters of Aug. 15 in which only one very brief letter in support of Farrakhan appeared.

Let me set the record straight. Although not a Muslim, I have been a supporter of Farrakhan since first hearing him speak almost 10 years ago while a student at Cal State, Long Beach. Since then, I have heard him speak many times in both live and taped lectures. With total honesty I can say that I have NEVER heard him utter anything I consider anti-white, anti-Jewish, anti-Korean, etc.

What the minister speaks is truth (and sometimes the truth hurts, but that does not make it any less true!).

It is true that black people have been victimized by whites and other groups in America. It is also true that through that victimization the economic and cultural power of black America has been completely usurped. As a result of this imbalanced “relationship,” the black community has been left in total economic, political and social disarray while other communities have grown and prospered. We don’t need Farrakhan to point this out. A look around black America bares it out.


What the minister speaks against is exploitation--of any people. If he preaches hate, it is a hatred of injustice and oppression. If he is a racist, his is a racism of love of one’s self--but not at the expense of others.

Now, let’s address the lies. “Farrakhan teaches violence.” Not true! In 10 years I have never heard Farrakhan advocate a violent act against any racial group. “Farrakhan praised Hitler as a great man.” Inaccurate! Farrakhan, in reference to Hitler, said that he was a “wickedly great man” just as the Bible refers to Babylon as “great;” meaning only that he was of consequence historically.

“Farrakhan called Judaism a ‘dirty religion.’ ” A lie! Farrakhan stated that the establishment of the State of Israel and the subjugation of the Palestinian people was unlawful and against Biblical prophecy--and therefore against true Judaic principle.

It was that perversion of true Judaism that he referred to as a “dirty religion,” not the true Judaism which is the backbone of his own Islamic faith.

Are Jews called anti-black because they support racist South Africa militarily? Are Jews called anti-black because they oppose affirmative action measures supported by the black community? No they are not because their right to self-determination is respected. We demand the same respect!

Farrakhan is not anti-Semitic, and he is definitely no Hitler. He is just one black man who seeks freedom for all oppressed people regardless of race; one who will not be compromised.


So let Mayor Tom Bradley, the L.A. City Council, Jewish and “responsible” black leadership, and others denounce and repudiate Farrakhan. None of them speak for us.

We, as a community are coming of age. Today we will choose our own leadership, and decide for ourselves the merits or drawbacks of their message.


Los Angeles
