
I am writing this letter in response...

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I am writing this letter in response to William S. Koester of Upland (Viewers’ Views, July 19). While reading his letter, I found myself heartily agreeing. The so-called TV “benefits” are often just another vehicle for celebrity egos and stupid commercials. I agreed with Koester’s letter until the last sentence, which read: When will the youngsters who run American television ever learn that not all of their audience is made up of mindless teen-agers who weren’t even born when such purveyors of real talent as Fred Astaire and Jackie Gleason were in their prime?

I now ask Mr. Koester when will America stop this ignorant generalization of teen-agers? We are not brainless MTV addicts who don’t know talent when we see it. In fact, not all teen-agers are the same. Some are intelligent, some are not--just like those over the age of 20. As for not being around when Fred Astaire or Jackie Gleason were in their prime, you’re right, we weren’t. But are you blind to all the talent that is out there today? Or do you just dismiss it all as mindless teen-age trash? I feel sorry for you if you do.

Bailey Smith, Downey
