
Kudos for Book Review


I commend The Book Review for the Sept. 6 review of my book, “Women Vs. Women: The Uncivil Business War.”

I appreciate the obvious depth of reviewer Ivan Strenski’s concern for my subject--women holding one another back from achieving the highest strata of their career potential--and the candor with which he stated his opinions. Realizing that the idea of women hurting women might be considered harsh by some, I intended my style to be “comfortable.” The review attested to my success on that score. Being semi-labeled “flip” and “hip” in Los Angeles is quite an accolade for an Orange County lass whose paragraphs are often short. I want readers to be able to take Strenski’s advice easily, which is to, “Page briskly through hypnotic litanies . . . wolf down . . . grab basic good sense. . . .”

Strenski said that I have “written a battle manual for an entire social class of women in business and management.” I hope so. The battle cry in offices across the nation has been, “Who the hell does she think she is?” My goal is to change the chant to “Cease fire!”


Newport Beach
