
A Tale of Two Communities


Benjamin Zycher’s attempt to portray the West Hills controversy in economic terms is fascinating. Economists usually deal in theory; elected officials deal with reality.

When Zychers says Councilwoman Joy Picus “has decided to abide by a poll of constituents . . . displaying yet again her abhorrence of leadership,” he displays an unfortunate lack of understanding of today’s political environment.

Elected officials who make arbitrary and unilateral decisions are not leaders. The real leaders today are those who enable citizens to participate in the decisions that affect them.


Objections to this kind of involvement usually come from those who have been used to getting what they want by the very “connections and influence” Zycher abhors.

Mrs. Picus took leadership by convening a meeting of interested parties. Perhaps doing so earlier might have averted the entire controversy.



Gertler is a field deputy to Picus .
