
House Approves Special Oceans Panel

Associated Press

The House, citing waves of pollution that forced some East Coast beaches to shut down this summer, agreed Tuesday to the creation of a special commission to study and recommend changes in federal oceans policy.

“The time is now for a new look at our oceans,” Rep. James H. Saxton (R-N.J.) said. “We do need a master plan to protect our oceans.”

The 17-member National Oceans Policy Commission would be charged with looking at problems such as pollution, coastal zone management, fisheries conservation and acid rain in the oceans and Great Lakes. It could recommend policy changes within two years.


The House passed a similar bill in 1983, but the Senate took no action.

Proponents are more optimistic this year because Sen. Lowell P. Weicker Jr. (R-Conn.) has introduced the oceans commission bill in the Senate. A hearing is expected this fall, Weicker aide Hank Price said.

The Reagan Administration opposes the measure.
