
Jessica May Lose Two Toes, Doctors Say

Associated Press

Doctors operated again on Jessica McClure’s injured right foot Friday, and hospital officials said the 18-month-old girl who spent 2 1/2 days stuck in a well might lose the tips of two toes but not her entire foot.

More surgery, for the removal of dead skin, is scheduled for Monday, said Stellyce Allen, spokeswoman for Midland Memorial Hospital, where Jessica has stayed since her ordeal ended a week ago.

Still endangered are the large and small toes, Allen said.

Improved Greatly

“I think, if anything, it would just be those two toes, and they’re not even looking at that right now,” she said. “The rest of the foot has improved greatly.”


Jessica slid into an eight-inch dry well last week and her foot was jammed at an awkward angle for 58 1/2 hours, cutting off circulation and threatening it with gangrene that doctors had warned might require amputation of the foot.

The surgery on Friday included inspection of the foot and removal of dead skin, hospital officials said.

Jessica’s dramatic rescue last Friday was televised nationally, and she has received thousands of cards and gifts from well-wishers.

The toddler’s mood has been improving daily as she continues a diet of solid food, hospital officials said. She is being given three 90-minute pressurized oxygen treatments a day to restore destroyed blood vessels and capillaries in the foot, they said.

Rescuers to Be Honored

The drillers and paramedics who rescued Jessica by carving out a parallel shaft and access tunnel to the well and carrying her to safety will be honored Thursday with a parade and other festivities, Midland Chamber of Commerce President Charles Spence announced.

The girl’s parents, Chip and Reba McClure, both 18, said they have been told by administrators at the hospital that Jessica’s immediate medical expenses have been paid.


Reba McClure said the couple have not looked into who is behind payment of the hospital bill, but if the donor wishes to remain anonymous, she and her husband will honor the request.

In Washington Friday, President Reagan praised three Labor Department employees, Wayne Kanack, Dave Lilly and Sid Kirk, of the Mine Safety and Health Administration, who played key roles in Jessica’s rescue.

“I think we’re . . . thankful in our hearts for the generous people who worked around the clock, through fatigue, past exhaustion, to save little Jessica,” the President told department employees.
