
Pros and Cons on California’s Mandatory Auto Insurance Law


Outrageous, unfair, self-serving and an abject dereliction of democracy. Legally forcing people to purchase auto insurance smacks of fascism; people need transportation, not another cost many can’t afford.

Why should the public pay to make up for a dangerous, inadequate transportation system when it isn’t being improved, when it was foisted on us in place of a great Red Car system, and it’s kept in this dismal state just to stuff the pockets of insurance and automotive fat cats?

Insurance should be strictly regulated to provide public service. It should not be allowed to legally rob the public. With the money from one year of insurance costs, we could develop technological safeguards that would nearly eradicate insurance needs, save lives and avoid property damage. Abominably, it seems insurance company prosperity comes before people prosperity--that’s deregulation at its best. Now we know the real reason conservatives ousted Rose Bird.



