
Social Security and Slashing the Deficit


I am concerned about the federal deficit and I believe the following areas are critical in resolving the budget problems:

Remove the loopholes for interest-free loans for business takeovers immediately.

Restore corporate taxation and any loopholes that corporations receive unless it can be proven that they actually benefit the economy and not just their stockholders. How much is enough profit?

Let’s cut out the cost-of-living increases for affluent retired people. Set up a means test. And of course, don’t forget the “double and triple (pension) dippers” of which President Reagan heads the list.


The bottom line is: Let’s be fair. Make the wealthy pay their fair share. Better yet, set it up so that no one gets super rich. We live in a democracy, not a plutocracy. There should be no room for billionaires--if there is, there is something drastically wrong with the society because when so much wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, we are in big trouble. The Reagan Administration has given new meaning to the word greed and amorality.


El Segundo
