
Hell Is for Actors


Enough already!

I am writing in behalf of my contemporaries and myself. Many of us are “struggling actors” but we are up and coming.

I am so sick and tired of typical, negative articles with invalid statistics that attempt to discourage and dissuade one from his dream.

It is obvious if not predetermined that the realities are tough, but we are not “aimless young narcissists”--not by a long shot!


Some of us are young, most of us are hardworking and talented with a true love of the theater and a selfless dedication to an art.

Some of us may be deluded by the fantasy of overnight success--but so what! Let us find out in our own time and our own way. We are hardly “thrashing around in search of a psychological and cultural base.”

In fact, the majority of us are resilient people with rather strong foundations and a keen awareness of the obstacles we must face on a daily basis.

It is Christon’s sort of article that endlessly perpetuates the myth and stereotype of the (Hollywood) actor. My advice to Christon is plain and simple: “The Glut of Unqualified Journalists--Enough Already!”


