
N.H. Newspaper Endorses Du Pont

United Press International

The Union Leader, the staunchly conservative statewide newspaper in the nation’s first primary state, endorsed Republican Pierre S. (Pete) du Pont IV for President in a front page editorial Tuesday.

Lamenting the quality of the 1988 field, Publisher Nackey Loeb acknowledged that her newspaper “has not been a flag-waving enthusiast for any of the candidates running for President. A lot of conservatives are in the same boat.”

But since “someone must do the job” of addressing the nation’s problems, Loeb wrote: “Of all those running, this newspaper believes that the best man for that job is Pete du Pont,” the former governor of Delaware.


Endorsement Welcomed

Du Pont’s New Hampshire campaign welcomed the endorsement.

“I think it’s obviousely a tremendous boost,” assistant campaign director Liz Noyer said. “It will help people take a second look at us.”

While the newspaper’s influence on voters is subject to debate, candidates have not been bashful in seeking its support.
