
Comparing Notes: Tenor’s Withdrawal, Falling Dollar Linked : Music

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The falling value of the dollar appears to be taking its artistic toll. Italian tenor Giuseppe Giacomini has canceled his contract to sing Manrico in San Diego Opera’s February production of Verdi’s “Il Trovatore.”

“Giacomini has not claimed illness,” said opera general director Ian Campbell, “and the reason appears to be connected with the devalued U.S. dollar.”

Campbell noted that Giacomini also canceled his contract to sing the same role with Michigan Opera in April, 1988. The Italian tenor, who sang Verdi’s “Otello” two seasons ago for San Diego Opera, joins a growing list of foreign singers who have recently canceled with such prestigious companies as the Metropolitan Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago and San Francisco Opera.


Campbell announced that Janos B. Nagy, a leading tenor from the Hungarian State Opera, has been signed to take Giacomini’s place in the “Il Trovatore” production.
