
Prop. 13 Helped More Than It Hurt


Your Nov. 19 article on a proposal to have the city of La Verne finance construction of a school for the Bonita school district was read with interest.

You express a statement that the “Bonita School District has been unable to build the school because of budget constraints in the wake of Proposition 13.”

All you reporters always complain about Proposition 13 and I don’t think any of you are aware of the good that Proposition 13 did for you, me and everyone else. Without it, I don’t think anyone on a fixed income could afford to pay the taxes or the rents.


Since Proposition 13, enough taxes and fees have been added to more than make up any loss.

Where in your article do you even refer to the Lotto money that is being generated? No one ever mentions where it is going and what it is being used for--a big secret. Oh, yes, when they push Lotto, they do mention that it is “for the schools. . . .” OK, exactly where? Why don’t you write about that?

Don’t knock Proposition 13--look into it before you do.

Thank God for the Gann amendment. The state now has to work within the limit and it is returning the rest to us--you should have your check in the mail by now. In the past, this excess money managed to be “used,” whether it was needed or not. Someone has to put a stop to this “free” use of money.


Los Angeles
