
Perhaps Critic of Golf Should Give Game a Try

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In regard to a letter published in Viewpoint Dec. 5, Mr. Brian Vogel of Los Angeles has obviously never attempted to hit a golf ball, or if he has, he was too frustrated by the fine art of doing so.

The game of golf may not require much athletic ability, but that is why it appeals to a vast variety of Americans. The one thing required to play golf well is great hand-eye coordination. Why do you think it appeals to such great athletes as Michael Jordan, Lawrence Taylor, Ivan Lendl, Jim Rice and Jim McMahon? It is the challenge of mastering the great hand-eye coordination and the self-achievement that results. Golf is unique in that the main competition is within oneself.

If the ratings for golf “always scrape the bottom,” why is “the tube” saturated with it? It’s because all those people who play the game, or at least have attempted to, appreciate the skill it takes to play among the best in the world.


I present a challenge to Mr. Vogel. The next time you get tired of watching your Raiders or Rams lose, get out of your chair and go out and catch the bug that millions of Americans already have. One word of advice: Give it time and patience, because it takes a lot of both.


