
San Clemente : Acting Police Chief Says Permanent Job Offered

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Al Ehlow, San Clemente’s acting police chief, said Monday that City Manager James B. Hendrickson has offered him the job as police chief and that he has accepted.

City officials “haven’t officially said anything yet though,” said Ehlow, who has worked for the San Clemente Police Department since 1961. He became interim chief in May, when former chief Kelson McDaniel was ousted in a no-confidence vote.

Hendrickson would only say Monday that he will name a new chief on Wednesday.

Hendrickson had asked McDaniel to resign after 91% of the San Clemente Peace Officers Association members cast no-confidence votes against him, saying he had a punitive and uncommunicative management style.


McDaniel, who had held the post for 18 months, called for a public hearing to clear his reputation. A hearing officer concluded that McDaniel had lost the confidence of his officers and, therefore, should not be reinstated.

The former chief filed a $4.35-million claim against the city July 30, accusing city officials of conspiring against him. Hendrickson said the city never recognized McDaniel’s claim, which automatically expired after 45 days.

McDaniel has been working as a consultant for the Westminster Police Department, studying its operation to suggest ways to cut expenses.
