
Financier Marvin Warner failed to appear at...

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Financier Marvin Warner failed to appear at a bankruptcy hearing, and a federal official said he may seek to have a trustee appointed to handle the millionaire’s case. Warner, 68, a former ambassador to Switzerland, was convicted for his role in the collapse of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based ESM Government Securities Inc. and his Home State Savings Bank in Ohio. The conflict appears to be over a decision by Warner to attempt to have his Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition dismissed. The creditors committee said it had decided to oppose dismissal of the petition, filed Oct. 22, which claimed he had $4.5 billion in debts. Lawyers for the state of Ohio have said they too will oppose dismissal. Warner’s accounting of his personal finances to the court showed a net worth of about $20. A hearing is scheduled for Jan. 25.
