
Momma Throwing


I was amazed, though pleased, that Calendar even printed O’Neil’s letter. To counter the inevitable deluge of retorts from ego-wounded macho boys, I feel a few slightly more objective points could be made.

It seems she has made some very accurate observations, and then missed the mark altogether.

“Blatantly abusing” boys does indeed sell tickets--witness the success of Stallone et al., who gleefully annihilate hundreds of ‘em each year to the tune of many million dollars. Women are by no means alone, though they are still getting the worst of it.

Secondly, “Throw Momma From the Train” does not appear to be the realization of some misogynist plot by the big-time industry idiots (something that cannot be said for “Fatal Attraction” and 90% of contemporary American movies).

Apparently, someone with a warped sense of humor thought one day, “What is the most horrible, repulsive, shocking subject I can think of, and how can I make it funny?” That’s nothing new--we underground cartoonists have been doing it for decades.



