
‘Hollywood Revitalization’

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Katz and Ryavec display an appalling degree of deceit and misinformation regarding criticism of the Hollywood Redevelopment plan.

No one is criticizing plans to redevelop Hollywood. The criticism is regarding the basic unfairness toward adversely affected residents and merchants and the blatant circumvention of the checks and balances that were to make the redevelopment process a fair and equitable one.

While it could be a fact that blighted areas generally do not redevelop themselves, the CRA knowingly included non-blighted properties in the project area boundaries for the purpose of capturing tax increment money that would have otherwise gone to the usual taxing agencies. These “blighted” properties include the Promenade entertainment center, the $30-million Hollywood Galaxy, and numerous other shopping centers and 70-unit or more apartment complexes.


Katz and Ryavec misleadingly suggest to the reader that the demolition of older buildings is the only way to finance redevelopment. Tax increment funds can be generated through transfers of ownership, the combining of parcels, and the allowable Prop. 13 increases. Architecturally and historically significant structures are not required to be demolished to generate tax increment funds.

Katz and Ryavec are correct. The key to making redevelopment work is to devise plans that benefit the majority of the people. Those adversely impacted should have their concerns heard and addressed. However, this did not occur in the Hollywood Redevelopment planning and adoption processes. The residents and merchants were never listened to. The data required to adopt this plan was systematically altered to reflect the narrow views of a select and politically well-connected few at the expense of the residents, merchants and taxpayers.





Hollywood Homeowners

and Tenants Assn.
