
No Democrat Seen With Clear Majority

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From Reuters

A poll taken after the New Hampshire primary shows that influential Democrats believe no presidential candidate is likely to go to the Democratic convention with a clear majority of delegates, Newsweek said Saturday.

Eighty-six percent of respondents said the Democratic convention, scheduled for July 18 to 21 in Atlanta, may be brokered. Sixty-three percent think this is “somewhat likely” and 23% think it is “very likely.”

Poll respondents included 44 members of Congress, 125 governors and other state officials, 22 state and Democratic National Committee members and others.


Sixty-seven percent said the Democratic nominee has a “good” or “excellent” chance of winning the November presidential election in their states.

Like Cuomo, Bradley

Almost half of the respondents--46%--said there was no one outside the list of official contenders whom they would prefer to nominate. But of those who would like someone else, 29% named New York Gov. Mario M. Cuomo and 17% named New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley.

Slightly more than half said that, if no candidate had a clear majority at the convention, they would support efforts to nominate someone who is not yet in the race.


The margin of error in the poll, conducted by the Gallup Organization and sponsored by Newsweek, was plus or minus 7 percentage points.
