
Contra Rebels Free American Peace Worker

Associated Press

Contra rebels have released an American volunteer worker for Witness for Peace after holding him for 10 days in northern Nicaragua, a spokesman for the organization said today.

Dennis Marker, Washington director for the group, said Richard Boren, 30, was released to other Witness for Peace volunteers Wednesday evening near the remote town of Quilali.

Witness for Peace opposes Contra military aid and documents human rights abuses in Nicaragua.


Boren and 11 Nicaraguans were captured March 1 in Mancotal, about 25 miles from where he was released and 75 miles north of Managua. All but one of the Nicaraguan captives had escaped and returned to their villages and the other may have been released with Boren, Marker said.

He said the volunteers still had to travel through the remote region where Contra ambushes are frequent but were expected to arrive in Managua sometime this evening.

“He is still in an area that is often under Contra attack,” said Marker, “so we do not yet consider him safe.”

Based on radio transmissions from the volunteers to other Witness for Peace workers in Managua, Marker said, the only thing he knew about Boren’s condition was that he has a cold. He said that, depending on his condition, Boren plans to hold a news conference in Managua on Friday.

Marker said the group had conducted a nationwide phone-in campaign Wednesday to the State Department demanding that U.S. officials tell the Contras to release Boren immediately.
