
De La Madrid Indirectly Hits U.S. Intervention in Panama’s Affairs

Associated Press

President Miguel de la Madrid on Saturday said indirectly that the United States is meddling in Panama’s internal affairs by trying to oust Panamanian strongman Manuel A. Noriega.

“We urge that through reflection and dialogue it be the Panamanian people who determine their political future,” De la Madrid said.

He spoke at a news conference after reviewing the situation in Central America during two days of talks in this Caribbean resort with Guatemalan President Vinicio Cerezo Arevalo.


Although De la Madrid did not mention the United States by name, his references to Reagan Administration efforts in Panama were clear.

“We two presidents (De la Madrid and Cerezo) are very worried by the present situation, in which Panama is suffering destabilization,” he said.

“Of course we condemn any foreign intervention that aims at destabilizing (Panama) and interfere in political matters that are the sole concern of the Panamanian people,” he added.
