
Assessing the Candidates


According to George Will, the Democratic candidates err in being afraid to say taxes will have to be raised to pay for the wondrous economic accomplishments of the Reagan Administration (“In All That Democratic Hyperbole, a Real Fear of Addressing Reagan’s Failures,” Op-Ed Page, March 24).

What struck me most of all was that Will documents (according to arguable statistics) the rise in income, employment, manufacturing output, et al , making it sound as if all is rosy in America for all classes and colors. Elitist Will makes no mention of the rise in some other numbers--the homeless population, a disgraceful phenomenon caused mostly by a drop in unskilled jobs and availability of low-cost, government-subsidized housing.

In fairness to Will, however, the Democrats aren’t mentioning this either, and surely it represents a valid criticism of what this Administration hath wrought.



Beverly Hills
