
Israel’s New Rules in the Territories

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Times staff writer Dan Fisher relayed a story regarding the new tough measure aimed at ending the unrest in occupied Palestine (Part I, March 23). Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin announced “that Israeli civilians have the same authority as soldiers to shoot Arab firebombers.” This opens a new chapter in the Middle East tragedy.

The government, which has claimed and has been acclaimed as the epitome of civility and the oasis of democracy, is relegating to its citizens the right to shoot and kill, to maintain what it still calls “law and order.” Civilians are encouraged to take the law in their own hands, to make the decision to pull the trigger, whenever they deem that a protester belongs to this newly delineated category of “firebombers,” or whenever they may kill and can get away by making such a claim. This new policy is unprecedented during the modern age or in any country under totalitarian, fascist or democratic regimes.

Even under the ugliest of totalitarianism or fascism, the rule was always that there is a government, elected or proclaimed, which will address the grievances, take care of its citizens and keep the law in its hands. For a government to give a license to kill in the name of the law, will definitely lead to armed mobs, and self-proclaimed judges.


When Bernard Goetz, the man in the New York subway, shot those who mugged him, he was indicted and tried. When a citizen attacks a drug trafficker, he is jailed. But now we see a defense minister encouraging the mob mentality under the illusion that such toughness will quell the unrest. It is a sad state of affairs that such thinking not only exists, but that it is in a position of power to affect the present and cast its dark shadow on the future of so many people. To unleash a whole population against protesters regardless to the legitimacy of their goals will only add to the mess.

The scope of violence is widened and the amount of bloodshed will increase. The seeds of hatred will spread and will carry its bitter fruits to future generations.

More frightening than the alarming call of Rabin is the deadly silence here in America.

The faint sounds of sanity and decency of Jews, Christians and Muslims protesting in this country are dampened by the hoopla of the election year. The candidates are following the old wisdom which says: If talk is made of silver, silence is of gold. Such wisdom in this particular situation will guarantee bankruptcy.



Muslim Political Affairs Coalition

Los Angeles
