
Equity’s New Theater Plan


I’m sick, yes, tired too, of The Times writing one-sided articles that completely support the views of the Equity Waiver Theater Operators Committee (EWTOC) and do not give equal space to the Actors’ Equity Western Advisory Board (the actors!).

Wake up L.A. actors! We’re being scammed by the EWTOC and The Times! Take a look at the 99-seat theater plan. Do the arithmetic!

We’re talking about basic rules and very minimal pay! Start taking some pride in being an actor; you’re worth it.


Don’t you want to get paid if there is a way? Relax. Ask questions. Start talking with people who are on your side (Equity) instead of people who want to create fear and hysteria (EWTOC)!!

Sure, Ron Link (a director) doesn’t want the plan to happen because it might affect his salary! And Christopher Reeve has no concept of working for free in Los Angeles.

Actors, stand up! Look at the 99-seat plan. It works!


