
Guardian Angels Protest Sean Penn’s Gang Movie ‘Colors’

From United Press International

More than a dozen members of the Guardian Angels protested outside actor Sean Penn’s Malibu home Saturday, leaving behind an “Oscar award” in the form of a toilet bowl for his movie “Colors,” a story of deadly gang rivalries.

At least 15 members of the national group, whose volunteers are known for their red berets, arrived at Penn’s estate in a caravan of cars with symbolic coffins strapped to their roofs to represent the victims of gang violence.

“It’s really blood money (Penn’s) reaping from this,” said Scott McKeown, West Coast director of the Guardian Angels, a civilian crime-fighting group.


The Angels want Penn and others involved in the film, scheduled to be released April 15, to turn over their profits to help combat the gangs.

Penn could not be reached for comment.

“Colors,” set in Los Angeles and starring Penn and Robert Duvall as police officers, will “act as a recruitment vehicle for real gangs by glorifying them,” McKeown said.
