
The State - News from April 22, 1988


More than 50 residents of the rural Azalea, Ore., area met to discuss their fears that convicted rapist Lawrence Singleton will accept a church’s invitation and settle there after his state-supervised parole in California ends Sunday. Singleton, 60, was convicted of raping and chopping off the forearms of a 15-year-old girl 10 years ago. The Cow Creek Homeowners Assn. discussed an invitation extended by Thomas Smith Jr., pastor of the Bride of Christ Church. “I’m just terrified of having him here,” said firefighter Kelly Repp, 35. “My (three) daughters are terrified of him too.” Neither Smith nor any of the estimated 65 church members attended the meeting. Smith’s wife, Susan, said news reports of their “compassion” has sparked hate mail. “All we’re trying to do is help a man,” she said. “Nobody’s going to make us feel guilty about it.” Singleton maintains his innocence, saying the last time he saw the girl was when he left her off at the home of a drug dealer.
