
Selecting the Presidential Candidates


Am I the only who’s angry, even furious, at the way we are nominating our presidential hopefuls from each party? By the time of the California primary in June, the choice of candidates will be almost nonexistent. For all practical purposes, the Democrats will have a choice between Jesse Jackson and Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis, while the Republican choice will be limited to Vice President George Bush.

What if I had wanted to vote for Democrat Bruce Babbitt or Republican Alexander Haig, or any of the other candidates who won’t make it to California?

As in the situation of exit polling, which unfairly limits the potential of voters in certain regions, I think something needs to be done about this situation. I propose that every state have its primary and/or caucus on the same day. That way a few states won’t dictate who the candidates will be for the rest of us. If this causes financial hardships on the candidates, I would also propose that each of the major networks, as well as local papers, news weeklies, etc. devote 15 minutes of free air time or an equivalent amount of print space for the candidates to air their views. This would hopefully eliminate the “bumper sticker” quality of the political commercials we get and perhaps we might even learn something about the candidates’ views.



Los Angeles
