
Hitler Commemoration Slips Into Print

from Reuters

Calls from puzzled readers alerted a Bonn newspaper to a coded message commemorating Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s birthday last week, a spokeswoman for the General-Anzeiger daily said Friday.

The April 20 notice, in the form of anagrams, said: “In memoriam. Alfred Thilo. Born 20 April 1889, Abu Naru. (signed) Tibor Marnmann.”

The key to the word jumbles: “Alfred Thilo” stands for “Adolf Hitler”; “Abu Naru” for Braunau, the Austrian town where he was born on April 20, 1889; “Tibor Marnmann” for Martin Bormann, Hitler’s deputy.


“An unknown man handed in the notice personally and paid in cash, so we have no way of knowing who he is,” said advertising executive Ilse Mueller.
