
West Covina : Action Sought on BKK Issue

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The City Council, reacting to County Supervisor Pete Schabarum’s offer of legal assistance in blocking the city of Los Angeles from dumping sewage sludge in West Covina, said this week that it wants action, not promises, before it considers such a move.

Advocating a “fair-share” waste management policy, Schabarum has tried unsuccessfully in the past to persuade the council to ban Los Angeles sludge from entering the BKK Corp. landfill. In rebuffing Schabarum’s request, the council has said the city might be legally liable if it interferes with a private company’s business.

Schabarum said the Los Angeles County counsel thinks the city can legally ban the sludge. He offered the county counsel’s assistance and the county’s support should a lawsuit arise from such a ban.


Schabarum renewed his efforts after Richard Lewis was appointed to the council in March and William Tarozzi and Bradley McFadden were elected April 12.

Councilman Robert Bacon was skeptical of Schabarum’s offer. He said West Covina’s city attorney had told him that the county counsel will not issue the city an opinion until instructed by the Board of Supervisors to do so.
