
On Tour of Chartres


I enjoyed James T. Quattlebaum’s story, “The Stained-Glass Glory of Chartres” (March 13), but the story does not tell of tour guide Malcolm B. Miller. Miller’s card identifies him as a “guide-lecturer to Chartres Cathedral,” but that doesn’t quite describe him. He is more “loving parent” to Chartres and he shows off his adored child to the best advantage. His expertise ranges through anthropology, architecture, mythology, art and history, both political and religious.

Every statue, window and stone on the floor has a story. Miller shares them all. He lectures twice daily, each more than an hour, April to mid-November. Payment is what you will, and gladly. Private tours can be arranged through Syndicat D’Initiative, 28000 Chartres or 179 Westwood Road Sutton, Coldfield, England. A few years ago UCLA Extension featured Miller in an all-day lecture at $65 per person and bring your own lunch. Lots cheaper than a trip to France.


Los Angeles

This section ran a feature article about Miller and his Chartres lectures on July 24, 1983.
