
President Reagan and Charting the Stars


I am appalled by your article. After reading the article I realized that this was a sad attempt to discredit President Reagan. I am all for criticizing a politician for his policies and his public actions. It is part of the duty of the press and every individual to scrutinize the decisions of our policy-makers.

It seems to me your recent article has overstepped the boundaries of respectable journalism. Your story is based on nothing but inconclusive hearsay about the First Lady and rumors of the President and Mrs. Reagan’s daily reading of their horoscopes. Having a passing fancy to read one’s horoscope or carrying a good-luck charm should have no bearing on an evaluation of a politician’s policies or his ability as President.

If The Times is so worried about the implications of a casual reading of one’s horoscope, I should think you would stop printing the daily horoscope predictions.


If The Times cannot find inept policies of the Reagan Administration to criticize and must attempt to discredit the President through slanderous accusations, call me. I have plenty of reasonable criticisms of Reagan’s policies.


