
Cooling, May Clouds Due This Weekend

Times Staff Writer

Look, up in the sky! It’s . . . it’s a lot of clouds.

Pilots looking for blue skies at this weekend’s air show at Brown Field will have to go a little above and beyond the low clouds and fog that are also expected to make an appearance.

Spectators need not worry, however. The night and morning cloudiness that typically accompany May in San Diego will most likely burn off by midday.

The recent hot temperatures are a thing of the past, and temperatures will be slowly cooling to more seasonal levels by Sunday, according to Wilbur Shigehara of the National Weather Service.


Temperatures on the coast today and Saturday will range from 72 to 77 degrees, dropping a few degrees by Sunday, Shigehara said. Coastal fog is expected to bring nighttime lows to 54-60 degrees over the weekend.

The forecast calls for inland areas to remain warm today and Saturday, with temperatures in the upper 80s, 79 to 87 degrees Sunday. Overnight temperatures will be 50 to 55 tonight, and 45 to 52 Saturday and Sunday.

Mountain highs will be 80 to 85 degrees Friday and Saturday, cooling to 75 to 80 Sunday. The deserts will drop from Thursday’s sizzling 110 to 105-108 today and Saturday, and 98-104 Sunday.
