
Georgian Will Carry a Litter Bit of Advice for Soviet Sweepers

United Press International

As President Reagan flies home from the superpower summit, Savannah’s chief street sweeper will be heading for Moscow to help his Soviet counterparts tackle their litter problems.

Street Cleaning Administrator Al Sanders said Tuesday that he will tell Soviet experts about Savannah’s approach to street cleaning and its Resources Recovery Plant, the only facility in Georgia that burns garbage for energy.

Sanders, whose visit begins Saturday, is part of a 30-member delegation of U.S. solid-waste management experts to visit the Soviet Union to share approaches to common problems.


The delegation will travel to London and then on to Moscow during the first leg of their journey and is scheduled to arrive one day after Reagan leaves the country.

The visit is part of the Citizens Ambassador Program started during the Richard M. Nixon Administration to bolster cultural ties between the United States and foreign countries.

Sanders said he has not prepared a formal presentation for the Soviets he will meet in Moscow, Leningrad and Minsk, but will answer any questions about Savannah’s facilities through an interpreter.
