
Movie (National ranking) Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. (Studio)...

Compiled by Henry Rivero

Movie (National ranking) Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. (Studio) (National) (National) 1. “Crocodile” Dundee II (1) $418,330 24 / 17,430 (Paramount ) ($24.5 mil lion) (2,837 / $8,622 2. Rambo III (2) $243,915 21 / $11,615 (Tri-Star ) ($16.7 mil lion) (2,562 / $6,536) 3. Willow (3) $200,317 12 / $16,693 (MGM/UA ) ($7.5 million) (1,030 / $7,336 ) 4. Colors (4) $38,473 13 / $2,959 (Orion ) ($2.4 million) (1,322 / $1,839 ) 5. Beetlejuice (5) $28,739 8 / $3,592 (Warner Brothers ) ($2.4 million) (1,432 / $1,689 )

Weeks Released 1. -- 2. -- 3. 2 4. 7 5. 9

* The figures above take into account the long Memorial Day weekend.

SOURCE: Exhibitor Relations Co.
