
Noncarcinogenic ‘Miz’


I was appalled to read letter writer Joan Martin’s reference to “Les Miserables” as a “carcinogen” of the theater (Calendar Letters, June 5). To call an internationally acclaimed show that she “hasn’t even seen” a carcinogen is absurd at best. Was there ever a tumor this glorious?

I don’t doubt that the productions she recommends are worth seeing. One of the joys of theater is its infinite variety. But no matter how wonderful Van Nuys High School’s “Once Upon a Mattress” was, I doubt it would compare well with the joys of “Les Miz,” if only because “Mattress,” a very good light musical comedy, is not a play even remotely comparable to the vast human drama of “Les Miz.”

Joan, “Les Miz” doesn’t cause cancer. It causes the heart to soar. I am not offended by the fact that Mr. Mackintosh & Co. are able to do an efficient and professional job of mounting the show around the world. I’m grateful to them.



